Future of WCL Worldwide Consultants in Logistics GmbH, Hamburg (WCL)

January 25, 2023

Press Release January 2023

Future of WCL Worldwide Consultants in Logistics GmbH, Hamburg (WCL)

“New shareholding structure effective January 2023”

The founder (Hans J. Willam) has just turned 67 and presented his succession plan.
Effective January 2023, the new shareholding structure will be as follows:

Martin Sieg will be a 50% shareholder and will continue to act as sole Managing

WCL is pleased to welcome a new shareholder: Christian Nebel will be a 25%

Hans J. Willam will be a 25% shareholder and will continue to be the Chairman of

Among the shareholders, the responsibilities will be shared as follows:

  • Martin Sieg will focus on M+A.
  • Christian Nebel will focus on Executive Search and Recruitment.
  • Hans J. Willam will focus on supporting both gentlemen. In addition he will be in charge of NVOCC implemention projects.

About WCL:
WCL was founded in 1999 by Hans J. Willam. Initially it was run by Hans J. Willam.
But the company has grown over the years and, today, WCL is a well respected consulting firm.

WCL is focusing solely on supporting the “Global Logistics Service Provider” industry.
Since almost 25 years WCL has been a respected partner of many Global Logistics Service Providers. Most importantly, WCL is a true global consulting firm, thanks to the global network members having been involved and/or employed with a large no. of global logistics service providers.

January 2023